Video Highlights
Moving pictures V

Culmination of an extraordinary journey: The QDF Factor short-list and winners are announced during Virtual Travel Retail Expo week in October 2020
‘Pray’ by Jeff Orson: ‘Pray’, the single recorded by Canadian duty free executive and professional singer-songwriter Jeff Orson was released in association with The Moodie Davitt Report, which conceived the idea to raise funds for the UN COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. The performance delivered soaring YouTube views and donations upon its release. Pray is a powerful song themed around the global COVID-19 pandemic, written and recorded by Jeff, who is National Director – Duty Free for PMA Canada. It’s an initiative we are proud to have been part of, and that the travel retail industry generously supported.
Clap for our Carers – Travel Retail: Figures from across the travel retail community embraced The Moodie Davitt Report’s call to join together and applaud the work of the medical community worldwide – especially the doctors, nurses and other frontline staff involved helping the world deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking our cue from individual initiatives across the world, The Moodie Davitt Report asked members of the industry community, whether at home in isolation or at work in offices, downtown stores or at airports, to join a worldwide burst of applause on 31 March 2020. Click here for more.
Dubai Duty Free Nightingales: ‘You raise me up’: While the world was reeling from the impact of COVID-19 in April 2020, this video from Dubai Duty Free brought a beautifully positive spirit to a time of crisis. It featured the Dubai Duty Free Nightingales, singing Josh Groban’s ‘You Raise Me Up’ from their homes while in lockdown. The split screen zoom view showing each of them singing alone and yet in perfect unison still sends a shiver down one’s spine. The performance offered a moving musical tribute to key workers across the global duty free industry.
“We will get you home”: Qatar Airways made a huge impression (and was awarded a special judge’s accolade in the Moodies Awards) for its poignant conveying of a simple-sounding yet hugely complex mission to get people home to their loved ones during the COVID-19 crisis. Qatar Airways played an inspirational, arguably unrivalled, leadership role throughout the crisis, one beautifully personified by a cabin crew member interviewed in this heartwarming film. She says simply, “We will bring you home.”
What’s your Passcode?: In a landmark move for AirAsia Group, RedRecords — a joint venture between the airline company and Universal Music Group — released ‘Passcode,’ the debut single of Thai-German artist Jannine Weigel on 18 September 2020. RedRecords aims to showcase ASEAN musical talent and give rising Asian pop-stars a global platform. Jannine Weigel is the record label’s first signed talent. As readers will also know, Passcode was the official song of the inaugural Virtual Travel Retail Expo.
The Moodie Davitt eZine is published 14 times per year by The Moodie Davitt Report (Moodie International Ltd). © All material is copyright and cannot be reproduced without the permission of the Publisher. To find out more visit and to subscribe, please e-mail