Video Highlights
Moving pictures
Amid the evolution of digital publishing in recent years, video has become one of the most important channels through which companies can showcase their openings, campaigns and activations. Here is our choice of some of the most memorable from recent years.

Travel retail solidarity: This film by Isabelle Vervaille from 2011 set Hand in Hand for Haiti in its stark context. The travel retail industry initiative to help the reconstruction of the earthquake-ravaged country raised more than US$1 million and has continues its charitable efforts since.
Drive time: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol captured the imagination in 2013 with the screening of a 3D drive-in movie. This video shows highlights of the remarkable event.
A new retail dimension: China Duty Free Group opened its extraordinary Haitang Bay International Shopping Complex on Hainan Island in 2014 – the world’s largest duty free shopping centre. This video captured the excitement.
Estée Lauder Breast Cancer Awareness ‘Hear Our Stories. Share Yours’: 2014’s BCA Campaign featured emotionally authentic documentary-style videos communicating the personal stories of four families from diverse cultures and walks of life, all touched by breast cancer. The videos, along with supporting digital/social media content, encouraged online and offline engagement by urging consumers to share their stories through the campaign website and social channels, and to donate to breast cancer research using the call-to-action ‘Hear Our Stories. Share Yours.’
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