Super Typhoon Yutu caused catastrophic damage to the island of Saipan in late October, wreaking terrible devastation on the lives of DFS staff, their families, and countless other residents. Some have lost their homes completely while they and many others are faced with the daunting economic challenges of recovery.
DFS has launched an urgent appeal to the travel retail industry for desperately needed donations to help those affected – and will match donations dollar for dollar.
As of 12 November, DFS has raised US$51,080 of its US$100,000 goal – so donations are still desperately required to assist with recovery efforts. The Moodie Davitt Report has donated US$1,000 to help the efforts.
DFS mobilised much-needed relief measures and made an initial donation of US$60,000 to support recovery after Yutu tore into the Northern Mariana Islands last month. It destroyed homes and cut power and water to thousands of residents.
DFS, which began operations on Saipan in 1976, employs over 300 people across two outlets at Saipan International Airport and at T Galleria by DFS on Beach Road. It estimates that 90% of its employees have been affected, with damages ranging from total loss of homes to broken car windows.
In response, the company has given an immediate cash grant to each employee of US$250 and is supplying every employee and business partner’s employees with a five-gallon bottle of drinking water daily.
Donations to this campaign will go to DFS TEAM 670 CLUB, a non-profit organisation registered in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The donated funds are being managed by DFS Saipan senior management and will be used to assist Saipan colleagues in rebuilding their lives.