Beauty comes in many shades and L’Oréal Groupe is committed to being as diverse as the people it serves.
Beauty comes in many shades and L’Oréal Groupe is committed to being as diverse as the people it serves.
L’Oréal Groupe's mission is to become the most inclusive beauty leader and contribute to a society in which everyone can live safely, peacefully and equally.
Commenting on this mission, L’Oréal Groupe Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer Margaret Johnston-Clarke says: “Supporting and promoting diversity, equity & inclusion requires more than words: it must be backed up by concrete, on-the-ground, tangible and measurable actions.”
The Groupe’s diversity, equity and inclusion strategy covers four pillars: Gender & LGBTQIA+, Disability, Age & Generations and Socio-economic & Multicultural origins.

Gender ^ LGBTQIA+
L’Oréal Groupe strives to achieve gender equity at all levels and functions of the company. Its goal is to contribute to the establishment of more inclusive environments in favour of the LGBTQIA+ community and engage against any type of harassment or violence. In 2018, it became one of the first companies to sign the United Nations LGBTQI Standards of Conduct for Businesses to combat all forms of discrimination.
In 2020, L’Oréal Groupe launched its Employee Human Rights Policy, which includes a commitment to reject discrimination based on gender identity.
L’Oréal Groupe is committed to accelerating the inclusion of people with disabilities, internally, with a minimum target in all countries. The company has also adopted an inclusive approach towards consumers, suppliers and all stakeholders.
L’Oréal sub-contracts co-packing, repacking and assembling jobs to companies employing people with disabilities, supporting a total of 2,499 full-time job beneficiaries in 28 countries. In 2021, more than 130 suppliers were mobilised, including over 68 Adapted Enterprises and work assistance organisations. This includes sub-contracting projects for the Luxe Division’s travel retail-exclusive sets to a company that hires only individuals with disabilities.
In preparation for the Olympic & Paralympic Games 2024 in Paris, L’Oréal Groupe has officially signed with ten paralympic athletes for a two year-period.
Emmanuelle Mörch, who was formerly part of the L’Oréal Travel Retail team until she left the company in 2018 to fully devote herself to playing tennis in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games, is one of these athletes. Mörch will continue her paralympic journey in Paris in 2024, with the full support of L’Oréal Travel Retail.
L’Oréal Travel Retail President Vincent Boinay commented, “We are extremely excited and happy to continue our journey with Emmanuelle, our former colleague at the office. She is exemplary with her courage, determination and enthusiasm. In the past three years, we have always been her biggest fans at L’Oréal Travel Retail and we will keep on supporting her on her way to Paris 2024.”

“Supporting and promoting diversity, equity & inclusion requires more than words: it must be backed up by concrete, on-the-ground, tangible and measurable actions”
L’Oréal Groupe Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer Margaret Johnston-Clarke