Editor's Letter
Feeling FAB
The Foodie Report evolves into FAB
Our annual Airport Food & Beverage (FAB) Conference & Awards held in Dallas in late June underlined the relentless pace of change within the airport F&B scene. Constant reinvention has become the name of the game; stand still and you will be left behind.
That’s one reason why we decided to launch The Foodie Report as a standalone publication (starting with our last issue) and why we’ve now chosen to rebrand our dedicated F&B publication as FAB rather than The Foodie Report – to align with our industry-leading event.
So this special issue is dedicated entirely to in-depth coverage from Dallas, as we bring you highlights from all of the conference sessions, featuring the industry’s leading executives, tastemakers and pioneers.

Over two days in Dallas, which culminated in the glittering FAB Awards, we witnessed a sector clearly not only in robust health but one that also embraces change. Indeed, it is this desire and drive to provide travellers with a premium food & beverage offer and experience that is fuelling the sector’s mounting success.
The FAB Awards are testament to this commitment to excellence. With over 302 entries this year, and with standards taking a giant leap forward, the hardest job belonged to our panel of expert judges. You can discover more about our deserving winners in this issue, and we will also be profiling them in more depth in future issues of FAB.
In welcoming change and being prepared to try new things, we are no different to the sector that we cover. Change offers opportunity and the chance to do things better. That is what we intend to do with FAB, elevating our coverage of airport F&B around the globe and reinforcing the identity and standing of both publication and event.
I hope you enjoy this first, special edition of FAB and look forward to serving you an ongoing menu of fresh and engaging content.
Scott Birch, Managing Editor

July 2019
FAB is published monthly by The Moodie Davitt Report (Moodie International Ltd).
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