At the forefront of change
Welcome to Duty Calls. This regular feature aims to shine a light on some of the most laudable examples of altruism and sustainability within the travel retail industry by companies that go beyond the call of duty. In this issue, Mars Wrigley International Travel Retail underlines the importance of ‘being kind’ in confectionery.
Mars Wrigley International Travel Retail has added a ‘be kind’ focus to its plans to meet the challenges of new trends in the confectionery category.
With an emphasis on sustainability and its responsibility towards its associates, its customers and the planet, the company has outlined a 2020 strategy with a “the world we want today starts with how we do business tomorrow” motto.
A key to its 2020 mission is the launch of a Be-Kind snacking line. Mars Wrigley ITR announced a strategic partnership with Kind, a leader in the US snacking category, last week.
Mars Wrigley ITR plans to launch three variants of the Be-Kind fruit and nut bars in travel retail next year.

Be-Kind fruit and nut bars will be launched in travel retail in 2020
Mars Wrigley ITR Category Director Raghav Rekhi said: “Travellers are looking for more on-the-go snacking options that work for their diverse needs. We believe there is tremendous opportunity to build on the success of Kind’s portfolio in the global travel retail market as we continue to broaden our portfolio to address evolving consumer needs.”
Speaking at the TFWA World Exhibition, Rekhi outlined three macro trends which are shaping consumer behaviour, choices and purchase decisions. At least 28% of consumers are opting for snacking on-the-go; 34% have value for money as their main purchase driver and 83% want healthier snacking.
He also noted the impact of changes in international travel, highlighting m1nd-set research which indicates that travellers are younger (36% are millennials), 40% are flying low cost, and 32% spending less.
“The reason they are spending less is because their full gamut of needs is going unmet,” Rekhi said.
Conversion, he said, remains “the biggest challenge” in travel retail. Rekhi detailed three keys – fun, value for all and on-the-go-snacking – to unlock growth and conversion in the confectionery sector.

He said M&M’s “brings fun to the category like no other brand” and cited the success of this year’s global advertising campaign which reached 25 million passengers. The four-week campaign in selected airports resulted in an average +33% increase in sales, with some airports noting an +88% increase.
“It’s been a great learning exercise and big success in driving brand awareness,” Rekhi said. “This is what is working for the category; it’s working for our brands, for our retail partners and, above all else, it’s engaging the travellers.
“We are going to make it bigger and better in 2020; we’re going to cover more airports and replicate this success,” he added. Future promotions will include “strong, immersive and engaging displays” which combine physical in-store availability with strong digital solutions to meet the travellers’ needs for fun and engagement.
Mars Wrigley ITR Sales Director Christophe Bouye highlighted the company’s “disruptive” innovation plans for 2020, which include a new M&M’s Block line and revamped packs of mini bars for its Mars, Twix, Milky Way, Bounty and Snickers brands.
He described on-the-go-snacking as the “one billion Euro opportunity which really hasn’t been addressed yet”.
Mars Wrigley ITR General Manager Gary Clarke detailed the company’s new Edge division which focuses on improving lives through nutrition. He said Mars Wrigley was “moving towards a new future” and broadening its business and portfolio through treats and snacks.
A three-pillared approach was driving changes, Clarke said. ‘Healthy Planet’ has Mars Wrigley aiming to eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions from its direct operations by 2040. Through ‘Thriving People’ the company is determined to improve the lives of the one million people in its supply chain and ‘Nourishing Wellbeing’ highlights its efforts to limit the use of sugar and trans fats.
“It’s about meeting the changing needs of the traveller,” Clarke said. “It’s about bringing fun and value to the category and making sure we are at the forefront of changes.”

Giant steps forward: Mars Wrigley International Travel Retail has outlined a sustainable 2020 strategy

The Moodie Davitt e-Zine Duty Calls feature highlights environmental and socially responsible initiatives around the globe where people and the planet are the priority. If you have CSR projects, big or small, that you would like featured in Duty Calls, please contact Jason Holland at Jason@MoodieDavittReport.com

The Moodie Davitt eZine
Issue 270 | 25 October 2019
The Moodie Davitt eZine is published 20 times per year by The Moodie Davitt Report (Moodie International Ltd).
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