Demonstrating leadership

Dubai Duty Free was now no longer the industry newcomer but a thriving success story. Sales hit new heights mid-decade, firmly establishing the company as market leader in the Middle East and a substantial player on the world stage.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid AI Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and UAE Minister of Defence, enjoys a lighter moment with His Highness Sheikh Hasher AI Maktoum, President of the UAE Tennis Association, and Dubai Civil Aviation Director General Mohi-Din Binhendi at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Open.

US$173 million

Dubai Duty Free’s annual sales turnover

Travellers explore the extensive range of products as turnover for the year hits a new peak of US$173 million.

Through the 1990s, Dubai Duty Free continues to capture industry attention and win both regional and global accolades. The senior team is pictured here with Frontier Awards won to date. His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed AI Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation, is flanked by Salah Tahlak; Dubai Civil Aviation Director Personnel and Administration Jamal AI Hai; Dubai Civil Aviation Operations Director Mohammed AI Ahli; Mohi-Din Binhendi; Colm McLoughlin; George Horan; Anita Mehra and Bharat Godkhindi.

Anita Mehra, Colm McLoughlin, George Horan and Salah Tahlak pick the lucky winners of the latest Finest Surprise draw.

Craft through colour: Last-minute gift shopping at Dubai Duty Free.

The Moodie Davitt e-Zine | Spotlight Series – Special Report | 20 December 2018